Source code for enot.quantization.distillation.quantization_distiller

from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod
from os import getpid
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.optim import Optimizer
from import DataLoader
from torch_optimizer import RAdam
from import tqdm

from enot.logging.trackers import RunningMeanLogger

# We are using absolute imports here instead of simple imports like
# ``from enot.quantization import calibrate_quantized_model``. This
# is because this file is part of the ``enot.quantization`` package,
# and it is used in file, so simple
# imports would cause circular import error.
# Please use simple imports in your projects instead of absolute ones.
from enot.quantization.calibration.network_calibration import calibrate_quantized_model
from enot.quantization.distillation.utils import DistillationLayerSelectionStrategy
from enot.quantization.distillation.utils import distillation_context
from enot.quantization.fake_quantized_model import FakeQuantizedModel
from enot.quantization.utils.common import float_model_from_quantized_model
from import recursive_to
from enot.utils.dataloader2model import DataLoaderSampleToModelInputs
from enot.utils.dataloader2model import default_sample_to_model_inputs
from enot.utils.train import Scheduler

[docs]class RMSELoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, eps: float = 1e-6): super().__init__() self.mse: nn.MSELoss = nn.MSELoss() self.eps: float = eps def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: loss = torch.sqrt(self.mse(input, target) + self.eps) return loss
KNOWN_CRITERIA = { 'RMSELoss': RMSELoss, 'MSELoss': nn.MSELoss, 'CrossEntropyLoss': nn.CrossEntropyLoss, } def parse_distillation_criterion(criterion: Union[torch.nn.Module, str]) -> torch.nn.Module: if isinstance(criterion, nn.Module): return criterion if isinstance(criterion, str): return KNOWN_CRITERIA[criterion]() raise TypeError(f'Unknown criterion type: {type(criterion)}')
[docs]class DistillerInterface(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Distiller base interface.""" @abstractmethod def distill(self) -> None: """Launches distillation procedure.""" pass
[docs]class QuantizationDistiller(DistillerInterface): """Quantized model distillation class with a simple distillation implementation.""" def __init__( self, quantized_model: FakeQuantizedModel, dataloader: DataLoader, optimizer: Optional[Optimizer] = None, scheduler: Optional[Scheduler] = None, distillation_layer_selection_strategy: DistillationLayerSelectionStrategy = DistillationLayerSelectionStrategy.DISTILL_LAST_QUANT_LAYERS, distillation_criterion: Union[torch.nn.Module, str] = 'RMSELoss', n_epochs: int = 1, device: Union[str, torch.device] = 'cuda:0', sample_to_model_inputs: DataLoaderSampleToModelInputs = default_sample_to_model_inputs, logdir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, save_every: Optional[int] = None, verbose: int = 0, ): """ Parameters ---------- quantized_model : FakeQuantizedModel Fake-quantized model. dataloader : Dataloader with model inputs for distillation. optimizer : torch.optim.Optimizer or None, optional Optimizer instance. scheduler : Scheduler or None, optional Scheduler instance. distillation_layer_selection_strategy : DistillationStrategy, optional Distillation layer selection strategy. Default value is DISTILL_LAST_QUANT_LAYERS. distillation_criterion : Callable, optional Distillation criterion module. Default criterion is RMSE. n_epochs : int, optional Number of epochs for distillation. Default value is 1. device : str or torch.device, optional Device to use during distillation. Default value is "cuda:0". sample_to_model_inputs : Callable, optional Function to map dataloader samples to model input format. Default value is :func:`.default_sample_to_model_inputs`. See more :ref:`here <s2mi ref>`. logdir : str or Path or None, optional Save directory. Default value is None, which disables logging to directory. save_every : int or None, optional Save checkpoint every n steps. Default value is None, which disables intermediate model checkpoints. verbose : int, optional Verbosity level. Default value is 0. """ self.quantized_model = quantized_model self.dataloader = dataloader self.optimizer = optimizer self.scheduler = scheduler self.distillation_strategy = distillation_layer_selection_strategy self.distillation_criterion = parse_distillation_criterion(distillation_criterion) self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.device = device self.sample_to_model_inputs = sample_to_model_inputs self.logdir = logdir self.save_every = save_every self.verbose = verbose self.quantized_model.train() self.quantized_model.enable_quantization_mode(True) self.loss_logger = RunningMeanLogger() self.minimal_loss_value: Optional[float] = None if self.logdir is not None: self.logdir = Path(self.logdir) self.logdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) def distill(self) -> None: with distillation_context(self.quantized_model, self.distillation_strategy): quantized_model = self.quantized_model regular_model = float_model_from_quantized_model(quantized_model) self._base_distill(quantized_model, regular_model) def save(self, checkpoint_path: Path) -> None: """Saves quantized model state dict to the specified path.""", checkpoint_path) def _base_distill( self, quantized_model: FakeQuantizedModel, regular_model: FakeQuantizedModel, ) -> None: """Main distillation fine-tuning loop.""" best_model_path = None checkpoint_dir = None if self.logdir is not None: checkpoint_dir = self.logdir / 'model_checkpoints' checkpoint_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) total_steps = 0 for epoch in range(self.n_epochs): tqdm_iterator = tqdm(self.dataloader, disable=(self.verbose == 0)) for batch in tqdm_iterator: self.optimizer.zero_grad() model_args, model_kwargs = self.sample_to_model_inputs(batch) recursive_to(model_args, device=self.device, ignore_non_tensors=True) recursive_to(model_kwargs, device=self.device, ignore_non_tensors=True) quantized_output = quantized_model(*model_args, **model_kwargs) with torch.no_grad(): regular_output = regular_model(*model_args, **model_kwargs) loss: Union[float, torch.Tensor] = 0.0 for q_out, r_out in zip(quantized_output, regular_output): loss += self.distillation_criterion(q_out, r_out) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() if self.scheduler is not None: self.scheduler.step() total_steps += 1 self.loss_logger.tracked_value = loss.item() min_loss_updated = False if self.minimal_loss_value is None or (self.loss_logger.tracked_value < self.minimal_loss_value): self.minimal_loss_value = self.loss_logger.tracked_value min_loss_updated = True if checkpoint_dir is not None: if self.save_every is not None and total_steps % self.save_every == self.save_every - 1: / f'model_{epoch}_{total_steps}.pth') if min_loss_updated: best_model_path = checkpoint_dir / 'best_model.pth' tqdm_iterator.set_description( f'loss: {self.loss_logger.tracked_value:.5f}, ' f'min loss: {self.minimal_loss_value:.5f}' ) if best_model_path is not None: quantized_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(best_model_path))
[docs]class SequentialDistiller(DistillerInterface): """Compound distillation class which performs sequential distillation with multiple strategies.""" def __init__(self, *distillers: DistillerInterface): """ Parameters ---------- distillers : tuple with DistillerInterface Tuple with distiller instances. """ self.distillers: Tuple[DistillerInterface] = distillers def distill(self) -> None: for distiller in self.distillers: distiller.distill()
[docs]class DefaultQuantizationDistiller(SequentialDistiller): """Wrapper over SequentialDistiller with a default well-performing distillation configuration.""" def __init__( self, quantized_model: FakeQuantizedModel, dataloader: DataLoader, device: Union[str, torch.device] = 'cuda:0', sample_to_model_inputs: DataLoaderSampleToModelInputs = default_sample_to_model_inputs, logdir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, save_every: Optional[int] = None, n_batches_calibrate: int = 10, verbose: int = 0, ): """ Parameters ---------- quantized_model : FakeQuantizedModel Fake-quantized model. dataloader : Dataloader with model inputs for distillation. device : str or torch.device, optional Device to use during distillation. Default value is "cuda:0". sample_to_model_inputs : Callable, optional Function to map dataloader samples to model input format. Default value is :func:`.default_sample_to_model_inputs`. See more :ref:`here <s2mi ref>`. logdir : str or Path or None, optional Save directory. Default value is None, which disables logging to directory. save_every : int or None, optional Save checkpoint every n steps. Default value is None, which disables intermediate model checkpoints. verbose : int, optional Verbosity level. Default value is 0. """ batches_in_epoch = len(dataloader) self.quantized_model: FakeQuantizedModel = quantized_model self.dataloader: DataLoader = dataloader self.sample_to_model_inputs: DataLoaderSampleToModelInputs = sample_to_model_inputs self.n_batches_calibrate: int = n_batches_calibrate self.verbose: int = verbose strategy = DistillationLayerSelectionStrategy.DISTILL_LAST_QUANT_LAYERS criterion = RMSELoss() n_epochs = 1 if logdir is not None: logdir = Path(logdir) / f'{getpid()}_{id(quantized_model)}' if verbose: print(f'The working directory is {logdir.as_posix()}') threshold_logdir = None if logdir is None else (logdir / 'threshold_distillation') threshold_optimizer = RAdam(quantized_model.quantization_parameters(), lr=0.05, betas=(0.9, 0.95)) threshold_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR( optimizer=threshold_optimizer, T_max=batches_in_epoch * n_epochs, ) self.threshold_distiller = QuantizationDistiller( quantized_model=quantized_model, dataloader=dataloader, optimizer=threshold_optimizer, scheduler=threshold_scheduler, distillation_layer_selection_strategy=strategy, distillation_criterion=criterion, n_epochs=n_epochs, device=device, sample_to_model_inputs=sample_to_model_inputs, logdir=threshold_logdir, save_every=save_every, verbose=verbose, ) weight_logdir = None if logdir is None else (logdir / 'weight_distillation') weight_optimizer = RAdam(quantized_model.regular_parameters(), lr=0.0001, betas=(0.9, 0.95)) weight_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR( optimizer=weight_optimizer, T_max=batches_in_epoch * n_epochs, ) self.weight_distiller = QuantizationDistiller( quantized_model=quantized_model, dataloader=dataloader, optimizer=weight_optimizer, scheduler=weight_scheduler, distillation_layer_selection_strategy=strategy, distillation_criterion=criterion, n_epochs=n_epochs, device=device, sample_to_model_inputs=sample_to_model_inputs, logdir=weight_logdir, save_every=save_every, verbose=verbose, ) super().__init__(self.threshold_distiller, self.weight_distiller) def distill(self) -> None: calibrate_quantized_model( quantized_model=self.quantized_model, dataloader=self.dataloader, n_steps=self.n_batches_calibrate, sample_to_model_inputs=self.sample_to_model_inputs, verbose=self.verbose, ) if self.verbose >= 2: print('Fine-tuning model weights and quantization thresholds.') super().distill()