
The enot.rescaling module contains tool to improve accuracy when using quantization.

Rescaling consists of two steps:

  1. Collecting activation statistics (calibration).

  2. Rescaling activations and weights.

Both of these steps can be performed using RescalingCalibrator class.

class RescalingCalibrator(model, *, args=(), kwargs=None, excluded_modules=None, inplace=False)

Is a simple tool to improve accuracy when using quantization.


>>> from enot.rescaling import RescalingCalibrator
>>> rescaling_calibrator = RescalingCalibrator(model)
>>> # calibration (collecting activation statistics):
>>> for sample, _ in dataloader:
>>>     rescaling_calibrator(sample)  # pass model args/kwargs as usual
>>> # rescaling (activations and weights):
>>> model = rescaling_calibrator.rescale(alpha=0.5)
__init__(model, *, args=(), kwargs=None, excluded_modules=None, inplace=False)
  • model (torch.nn.Module) – Model for rescaling.

  • args (Tuple) – Model positional arguments. Optional.

  • kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – Model keyword arguments. Optional.

  • excluded_modules (Optional[List[Union[Type[torch.nn.Module], torch.nn.Module]]]) – Modules or types of modules that should not be recaled.

  • inplace (bool) – Rescaling not only inserts new submodules to the model, but also changes the weights of some submodules. In the case inplace=True calibrator copies the model and original model will not be changed. In the case inplace=False the weights of the original model will be changed. Default value is False.

rescale(*, alpha=0.5)

Rescale model using the statistics collected during the calibration process.


alpha (float) – Migration strength coefficient. Controls how much difficulty migrates from activation to weights. 0.5 is a well-balanced point to evenly split the quantization difficulty. Choose a larger alpha to migrate more quantization difficulty to weights (like 0.75). Should be in the range [0, 1]. Default value is 0.5.


Rescaled model. Note, in case of inplace=True, the model passed to RescalingCalibrator will be completely broken, only use the model returned by this method.

Return type:
