Source code for enot.pruning.calibrate_and_prune

import logging
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Optional

import torch
from import DataLoader

from enot.pruning.calibrate import calibrate_model_for_pruning
from enot.pruning.label_selector import ChannelsSelectorConstraint
from enot.pruning.label_selector import GlobalPruningLabelSelectorByChannels
from enot.pruning.label_selector import OptimalPruningLabelSelector
from enot.pruning.label_selector import PruningLabelSelector
from enot.pruning.label_selector import UniformPruningLabelSelector
from enot.pruning.prune import prune_model
from enot.utils.batch_norm import tune_bn_stats
from enot.utils.common import Number
from enot.utils.dataloader2model import DataLoaderSampleToModelInputs
from enot.utils.dataloader2model import DataLoaderSampleToNSamples
from enot.utils.dataloader2model import default_sample_to_model_inputs
from enot.utils.dataloader2model import default_sample_to_n_samples

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def calibrate_and_prune_model( label_selector: PruningLabelSelector, model: torch.nn.Module, dataloader: DataLoader, loss_function: Callable[[Any, Any], torch.Tensor], finetune_bn: bool = False, calibration_steps: Optional[int] = None, calibration_epochs: int = 1, sample_to_n_samples: DataLoaderSampleToNSamples = default_sample_to_n_samples, sample_to_model_inputs: DataLoaderSampleToModelInputs = default_sample_to_model_inputs, show_tqdm: bool = False, entry_point: str = 'forward', ) -> torch.nn.Module: """ Estimates channel importance values and prunes model with user defined strategy. This function searches for prunable channels in user-defined ``model``. After extracting channel information from model graph, estimates channel importance values for later pruning. After that prunes model by removing channels provided by user-defined channel selection strategy ``label_selector``. Parameters ---------- label_selector : PruningLabelSelector Channel selector object. This object should implement :meth:`` method which returns list with channel indices to prune. model : torch.nn.Module Model to prune. dataloader : Dataloader for estimation of model channel importance values. loss_function : Callable[[Any, Any], torch.Tensor] Function which takes model output and dataloader sample and computes loss tensor. This function should take two inputs and return scalar PyTorch tensor. finetune_bn : bool, optional Finetune batch norm layers (specifically, their running mean and running variance values) for better model quality. Default value is False. calibration_steps : int or None, optional Number of total calibration steps. Default value is None, which runs calibration on all dataloader images for the number of epochs specified in ``calibration_epochs`` argument. calibration_epochs : int, optional Number of total calibration epochs. Not used when ``calibration_steps`` argument is not None. Default value is 1. sample_to_n_samples : Callable, optional Function which computes the number of instances (objects to process) in single dataloader batch (dataloader sample). This function should take single input (dataloader sample) and return single integer - the number of instances. Default value is :func:`.default_sample_to_n_samples`. See more :ref:`here <s2ns ref>`. sample_to_model_inputs : Callable, optional Function to map dataloader samples to model input format. Default value is :func:`.default_sample_to_model_inputs`. See more :ref:`here <s2mi ref>`. show_tqdm : bool, optional Whether to log calibration procedure with `tqdm <>`_ progress bar. Default value is False. entry_point : str, optional Model function for execution. See ``Notes`` section for the detailed argument description. Default value is "forward". Returns ------- torch.nn.Module Pruned model. """ pruning_info = calibrate_model_for_pruning( model=model, dataloader=dataloader, loss_function=loss_function, n_steps=calibration_steps, epochs=calibration_epochs, sample_to_n_samples=sample_to_n_samples, sample_to_model_inputs=sample_to_model_inputs, show_tqdm=show_tqdm, entry_point=entry_point, ) labels_to_prune =, pruning_info=pruning_info) pruned_model = prune_model( model=model, pruning_info=pruning_info, prune_labels=sorted(set(labels_to_prune)), inplace=False, ) if finetune_bn: tune_bn_stats( model=pruned_model, dataloader=dataloader, reset_bns=True, set_momentums_none=True, n_steps=calibration_steps, epochs=calibration_epochs, sample_to_model_inputs=sample_to_model_inputs, ) return pruned_model
[docs]def calibrate_and_prune_model_equal( model: torch.nn.Module, dataloader: DataLoader, loss_function: Callable[[Any, Any], torch.Tensor], pruning_ratio: Number = 0.5, finetune_bn: bool = False, calibration_steps: Optional[int] = None, calibration_epochs: int = 1, sample_to_n_samples: DataLoaderSampleToNSamples = default_sample_to_n_samples, sample_to_model_inputs: DataLoaderSampleToModelInputs = default_sample_to_model_inputs, show_tqdm: bool = False, entry_point: str = 'forward', ) -> torch.nn.Module: """ Estimates channel importance values and prunes model with equal pruning strategy (same percentage of channels are pruned in each prunable layer). Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to prune. dataloader : Dataloader for estimation of model channel importance values. loss_function : Callable[[Any, Any], torch.Tensor] Function which takes model output and dataloader sample and computes loss tensor. This function should take two inputs and return scalar PyTorch tensor. pruning_ratio : float, optional Relative amount of channels to prune at each prunable layers. Default value is 0.5 (prunes 50% of channels, which typically reduces the number of FLOPs and parameters by a factor of 4). finetune_bn : bool, optional Finetune batch norm layers (specifically, their running mean and running variance values) for better model quality. Default value is False. calibration_steps : int or None, optional Number of total calibration steps. Default value is None, which runs calibration on all dataloader samples for the number of epochs specified in ``calibration_epochs`` argument. calibration_epochs : int, optional Number of total calibration epochs. Not used when ``calibration_steps`` argument is not None. Default value is 1. sample_to_n_samples : Callable, optional Function which computes the number of instances (objects to process) in single dataloader batch (dataloader sample). This function should take single input (dataloader sample) and return single integer - the number of instances. Default value is :func:`.default_sample_to_n_samples`. See more :ref:`here <s2ns ref>`. sample_to_model_inputs : Callable, optional Function to map dataloader samples to model input format. Default value is :func:`.default_sample_to_model_inputs`. See more :ref:`here <s2mi ref>`. show_tqdm : bool, optional Whether to log calibration procedure with `tqdm <>`_ progress bar. Default value is False. entry_point : str, optional Model function for execution. See notes below for the detailed argument description. Default value is "forward". Returns ------- torch.nn.Module Pruned model. """ label_selector = UniformPruningLabelSelector(float(pruning_ratio)) pruned_model = calibrate_and_prune_model( label_selector=label_selector, model=model, dataloader=dataloader, loss_function=loss_function, finetune_bn=finetune_bn, calibration_steps=calibration_steps, calibration_epochs=calibration_epochs, sample_to_n_samples=sample_to_n_samples, sample_to_model_inputs=sample_to_model_inputs, show_tqdm=show_tqdm, entry_point=entry_point, ) return pruned_model
[docs]def calibrate_and_prune_model_optimal( model: torch.nn.Module, dataloader: DataLoader, loss_function: Callable[[Any, Any], torch.Tensor], latency_calculation_function: Callable[[torch.nn.Module], float], target_latency: Number, finetune_bn: bool = False, calibration_steps: Optional[int] = None, calibration_epochs: int = 1, sample_to_n_samples: DataLoaderSampleToNSamples = default_sample_to_n_samples, sample_to_model_inputs: DataLoaderSampleToModelInputs = default_sample_to_model_inputs, show_tqdm: bool = False, channels_selection_constraint: Optional[ChannelsSelectorConstraint] = None, n_search_steps: int = 200, entry_point: str = 'forward', **kwargs, ) -> torch.nn.Module: """ Estimates channel importance values, searches for the optimal pruning configuration (percentage of channels to prune in each prunable layer) and prunes model. Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to prune. dataloader : Dataloader for estimation of model channel importance values. loss_function : Callable[[Any, Any], torch.Tensor] Function which takes model output and dataloader sample and computes loss tensor. This function should take two inputs and return scalar PyTorch tensor. latency_calculation_function : Callable[[torch.nn.Module], float] Function that calculates model latency. It should take model (torch.nn.Module) and measure the "speed" (float) of its execution. It could be a number of FLOPs, MACs, inference time on CPU/GPU or other "speed" criteria. target_latency : float Target model latency. This argument should have the same units as ``latency_calculation_function``'s output. finetune_bn : bool, optional Finetune batch norm layers (specifically, their running mean and running variance values) for better model quality. Default value is False. calibration_steps : int or None, optional Number of total calibration steps. Default value is None, which runs calibration on all dataloader samples for the number of epochs specified in ``calibration_epochs`` argument. calibration_epochs : int, optional Number of total calibration epochs. Not used when ``calibration_steps`` argument is not None. Default value is 1. sample_to_n_samples : Callable, optional Function which computes the number of instances (objects to process) in single dataloader batch (dataloader sample). This function should take single input (dataloader sample) and return single integer - the number of instances. Default value is :func:`.default_sample_to_n_samples`. See more :ref:`here <s2ns ref>`. sample_to_model_inputs : Callable, optional Function to map dataloader samples to model input format. Default value is :func:`.default_sample_to_model_inputs`. See more :ref:`here <s2mi ref>`. show_tqdm : bool, optional Whether to log calibration procedure with `tqdm <>`_ progress bar. Default value is False. channels_selection_constraint : Optional[ChannelsSelectorConstraint] Optional :class:`~enot.pruning.ChannelsSelectorConstraint` instance, that calculates low, high and step for the channels constraint for total number of channels in gate. If None, then :class:`~enot.pruning.DefaultChannelsSelectorConstraint` will be used. None by default. n_search_steps : int, optional Number of sampled configurations for pruning to select optimal architecture. Default value is 200. entry_point : str, optional Model function for execution. See notes in :func:`~calibrate_and_prune_model_equal` for the detailed argument description. Default value is "forward". **kwargs Additional keyword arguments for label selector. Returns ------- torch.nn.Module Pruned model. """ label_selector = OptimalPruningLabelSelector( latency_calculation_function=latency_calculation_function, target_latency=float(target_latency), channels_constraint=channels_selection_constraint, n_search_steps=n_search_steps, **kwargs, ) pruned_model = calibrate_and_prune_model( label_selector=label_selector, model=model, dataloader=dataloader, loss_function=loss_function, finetune_bn=finetune_bn, calibration_steps=calibration_steps, calibration_epochs=calibration_epochs, sample_to_n_samples=sample_to_n_samples, sample_to_model_inputs=sample_to_model_inputs, show_tqdm=show_tqdm, entry_point=entry_point, ) return pruned_model
def calibrate_and_prune_model_global_wrt_metric_drop( model: torch.nn.Module, dataloader: DataLoader, loss_function: Callable[[Any, Any], torch.Tensor], validation_function: Callable[[torch.nn.Module], float], maximal_acceptable_metric_drop: Number, minimal_channels_to_prune: int = 100, maximal_channels_to_prune: int = 300, channel_step_to_search: int = 10, finetune_bn: bool = False, calibration_steps: Optional[int] = None, calibration_epochs: int = 1, sample_to_n_samples: DataLoaderSampleToNSamples = default_sample_to_n_samples, sample_to_model_inputs: DataLoaderSampleToModelInputs = default_sample_to_model_inputs, show_tqdm: bool = False, entry_point: str = 'forward', ) -> torch.nn.Module: """ Estimates channel importance values and prunes model with global pruning strategy (same percentage of channels are pruned in each prunable layer). Parameters ---------- model : torch.nn.Module Model to prune. dataloader : Dataloader for estimation of model channel importance values. loss_function : Callable[[Any, Any], torch.Tensor] Function which takes model output and dataloader sample and computes loss tensor. This function should take two inputs and return scalar PyTorch tensor. validation_function : Callable[[torch.nn.Module], float] Function which evaluates pruned model to measure desired metric. maximal_acceptable_metric_drop : float Maximal value of the metric decrease. minimal_channels_to_prune : int Minimal channels amount to prune within all network. maximal_channels_to_prune: int Maximal channels amount to prune within all network. channel_step_to_search : int Channel configuration search step size. The greater value gives faster but less accurate results. finetune_bn : bool, optional Finetune batch norm layers (specifically, their running mean and running variance values) for better model quality. Default value is False. calibration_steps : int or None, optional Number of total calibration steps. Default value is None, which runs calibration on all dataloader images for the number of epochs specified in ``calibration_epochs`` argument. calibration_epochs : int, optional Number of total calibration epochs. Not used when ``calibration_steps`` argument is not None. Default value is 1. sample_to_n_samples : Callable, optional Function which computes the number of instances (objects to process) in single dataloader batch (dataloader sample). This function should take single input (dataloader sample) and return single integer - the number of instances. Default value is :func:`.default_sample_to_n_samples`. See more :ref:`here <s2ns ref>`. sample_to_model_inputs : Callable, optional Function to map dataloader samples to model input format. Default value is :func:`.default_sample_to_model_inputs`. See more :ref:`here <s2mi ref>`. show_tqdm : bool, optional Whether to log calibration procedure with `tqdm <>`_ progress bar. Default value is False. entry_point : str, optional Model function for execution. See ``Notes`` section for the detailed argument description. Default value is "forward". Returns ------- torch.nn.Module Pruned model. Notes ----- Before calling this function, your model should be prepared to be as close to practical inference usage as possible. For example, it is your responsibility to call ``eval`` method of your model if your inference requires calling this method (e.g. when the model contains dropout layers). Typically, it is better to calibrate model for pruning on validation-like data without augmentations (but with inference input preprocessing). If you encounter errors during backward call, you can wrap this function call with the following statement:: with torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True): calibrate_and_prune_model_equal(...) ``entry_point`` is a string that specifies which function of the user's model will be traced. Simple examples: "forward", "execute_model", "forward_train". If such a function is located in the model's submodule - then you should first write the submodule's name followed by the function name, all separated by dots: "submodule.forward", "head.predict_features", "submodule1.submodule2.forward". """ maximal_acceptable_metric_drop = float(maximal_acceptable_metric_drop) baseline_metric = validation_function(model)'Baseline metric of user model is: {baseline_metric}') baseline_model_device = next(model.parameters()).device pruning_info = calibrate_model_for_pruning( model=model, dataloader=dataloader, loss_function=loss_function, n_steps=calibration_steps, epochs=calibration_epochs, sample_to_n_samples=sample_to_n_samples, sample_to_model_inputs=sample_to_model_inputs, show_tqdm=show_tqdm, entry_point=entry_point, ) model = model.cpu() prev_pruned_model = None for n_channels in range(minimal_channels_to_prune, maximal_channels_to_prune + 1, channel_step_to_search):"Current pruned channels: {n_channels}") label_selector = GlobalPruningLabelSelectorByChannels(n_channels) labels_to_prune =, pruning_info=pruning_info) pruned_model = prune_model( model=model, pruning_info=pruning_info, prune_labels=sorted(set(labels_to_prune)), inplace=False, ) pruned_model = if finetune_bn: tune_bn_stats( model=pruned_model, dataloader=dataloader, reset_bns=True, set_momentums_none=True, n_steps=calibration_steps, epochs=calibration_epochs, sample_to_model_inputs=sample_to_model_inputs, ) p_metric = validation_function(pruned_model) pruned_model = pruned_model.cpu()"Metric after pruning: {p_metric}") if baseline_metric - p_metric > maximal_acceptable_metric_drop: if prev_pruned_model is None: prev_pruned_model = pruned_model return prev_pruned_model = pruned_model return